Think about your Homeownership Plan
Is this going to be your starter home or is it going to be you forever home? Are there going to be kids arriving or leaving the nest while you’re there? It is important to get a clear picture of how the house will fit into your life, not only now but in the years to come. If you’re truly unsure, buy so that the house fits into your lifestyle and simply adapt - or- sell if or when your needs change.
Make a List of Needs, Wants and Must Not Haves
Make a physical list of what the most important qualities that you are looking for. This list will help you organize your thoughts and by putting it in writing you can be accountable to yourself. This will help when you are looking online and when you are going to open houses.
Your house should support how you live
If you buy a home with a large backyard, you might be cramming yard work into your weekends or paying someone to look after your yard. A lengthy commute could interfere with after school activities for the kids. You should avoid thinking your house is going to create a new lifestyle. You should think of your new house as a hub for daily routines, if you’re going to be comfortable living there.
When it comes down to it, you should be prepared when you start looking at homes. It is easy to get distracted when you are looking at homes. Knowing what you want and following your plan can help you from having buyer’s remorse. Following these steps can also help make your house hunting a lot more efficient.